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Hey, hey, hey, it’s time to BLOG!

April 28th, 2023 by The Rat

Helloooooo, and a big welcome to all you fifth graders reading with Mrs. McLaughlin!  Are you ready to blog with me?  Because I’m ready to ratblog with YOU!

Notice my excellent posture at the keyboard?  My beautifully curved tail?  My perky ears?   I even dabbed a little extra hair gel between my ears, just for you.  I’m going for the spiky look.

Okay, I’m ready to start jumping around on the keyboard (I like to type with all four paws.)  But there’s just one little thing that has me… well, not exactly worried.  Not precisely anxious.  But maybe just a little teensy bit… um… nervous?

So here’s the big question:  What if some of you don’t like rats?  What if you don’t like ME?

Okay, if you can’t stand rats, please don’t tell me.  We rodents have very sensitive feelings. But if you like me, maybe you could tell me?  After all, I AM a very handsome rat… plus, I LOVE to blog.  Do you?

Your friend,


P.S.  I hope none of you are cats.