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Hey, hey, hey, it’s time to BLOG!

April 28th, 2023 by The Rat

Helloooooo, and a big welcome to all you fifth graders reading with Mrs. McLaughlin!  Are you ready to blog with me?  Because I’m ready to ratblog with YOU!

Notice my excellent posture at the keyboard?  My beautifully curved tail?  My perky ears?   I even dabbed a little extra hair gel between my ears, just for you.  I’m going for the spiky look.

Okay, I’m ready to start jumping around on the keyboard (I like to type with all four paws.)  But there’s just one little thing that has me… well, not exactly worried.  Not precisely anxious.  But maybe just a little teensy bit… um… nervous?

So here’s the big question:  What if some of you don’t like rats?  What if you don’t like ME?

Okay, if you can’t stand rats, please don’t tell me.  We rodents have very sensitive feelings. But if you like me, maybe you could tell me?  After all, I AM a very handsome rat… plus, I LOVE to blog.  Do you?

Your friend,


P.S.  I hope none of you are cats.

32 Responses to “Hey, hey, hey, it’s time to BLOG!”

  1. Mrs. McLaughlin Says:

    Hi Raston! I have been keeping our blog a secret from the students and I’m super excited to share our RATBLOG with them on Monday! Have a nice weekend. The students are loving your story and they beg me to read two chapters daily. We are far into the book! We just got to the part where Brian grew some hair on his nose–yikes! Wishing you a great weekend!
    Mrs. McLaughlin

  2. The Rat Says:

    Hiya, Mrs. McLaughlin! It’s ratastic that your students like my book. Trust me, it gets even MORE exciting! And I am excited to blog with everybody on Monday, too. I am sharpening my claws (sharp claws help me jump around the keyboard faster), and waxing my tail (so important for that polished look), and Emmy is getting me a new supply of hair gel, too. So I am going to be READY TO RATBLOG!

  3. Mrs. McLaughlin Says:

    Hi Ratty!

    Happy Monday! So, we have a question for you. Tomorrow these students are taking a HUGE test. Do you know any rats that could help? Or have any ratastic tips for doing well? Thanks !

  4. Jadian Says:

    Hey Ratty do you have any test taking advice for a reading test

  5. Jadian Says:

    Hi ratty can you tell Emmy that I think she is super cool just like you

  6. The Rat Says:

    Hi Mrs. McLaughlin and Jadian! So, it’s good you came to me for some ratly advice, because I am the world’s greatest expert on rat tests. Here are my best tips for you:
    1. Don’t play with the hamster wheel during the test. You will miss questions (and probably annoy the hamster.) So, concentrate!
    2. Eat lots of peanut butter cups an hour before, for energy. And have a few stashed in your pocket for emergencies. This is the healthiest snack I know, because it’s all vegetables, right? I mean, peanuts are a legume–they grow in the ground, they’re good for you–and chocolate is made from the cocoa BEAN. And as everyone knows, beans are vegetables, too!
    3. Chill out and don’t get nervous. Remember things could always be worse. For instance, you could be stuck in a cage, like I was for YEARS. So, be happy you are smart enough to take a fun test, and enjoy it!

    P.S. I’m happy that you think I’m super cool, Jadian! And I’ll pass along your message to Emmy.

  7. Amanda Says:

    Hi Raston,what your favorite thing about Emmy?

  8. Madeline Says:

    Hi Ratty! I have a question, what is your biggest fear? And also, happy Monday!

  9. The Rat Says:

    Hi Amanda and Madeline, nice to hear from you!

    Ok, Amanda first. I have to say my favorite thing about Emmy is that she set me free from that awful cage! Of course, it’s nice that she gives me peanut butter cups, too. And it’s cool that she lets me ride on her model train in her playroom, and all that. But I do think she could be a little more generous with the hair gel. Would you believe, she said I used too much? Seriously! I mean, sure, I squirt a lot out, maybe a little more than I need, but she doesn’t understand. SHE can just give a gentle little squeeze and a dab comes out, right? But me, I have to JUMP on the tube to get any out. And I can’t exactly give a gentle little jump.

    And Madeline, I have to say my biggest fear is— well, I think I have two of them. No, three. The first one is CATS. Long sharp claws, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and four times my size–need I say more? The second fear is, what if I run out of peanut butter cups? I think I would DIE! And the third one is… well, it’s not really a fear. It’s more of a worry. What if nobody realizes that I am a star at pawball? What if the chipmunks don’t give me a chance? But I shouldn’t worry. They’re going to recognize my STAR POWER when they see me in action! (Right?) Oh, and happy Monday to you, too! (Wait, I guess this is Tuesday. Ok, Terrific Tuesday to you!)

  10. RYAN Says:

    Hey Raston! I have a question for you. what do Emmy’s supervisors look like.

  11. Chase Says:

    Hello, Ratty! I just want to say that your book is so amazing so far! So much suspense and plot twists! I just have one question: Will there or is there a sequel? Or anything more of this series of books? Hope you are having a rastastic day! 😀

  12. The Rat Says:

    Hellooooo, Ryan and Chase! Thanks for your questions. I have answers! Well, mostly. I am a little confused about the word “supervisors”, Ryan. Because usually a supervisor is someone like your boss at work, right? And Emmy is still a kid, and she goes to school and all that. Of course she has TEACHERS… and there’s that ratgusting nanny of hers, Miss Barmy–but she’s a nanny, not a supervisor. And she has parents (even if they’re gone WAY too much.) So I can’t tell you what her supervisors look like, because she doesn’t have any! But hey, if she goes out and gets a job, I will be sure to follow her just so I can get a look at her supervisor, and give you an answer, okay? Okay!

    Chase, it’s ratastic that you think my book is amazing! (Of course, that’s probably because there’s so much of ME in it–but I don’t want to brag. Well, not very much.) And I have to tell you, it gets even MORE suspenseful, so buckle up and get ready! And yes, there are TWO sequels. Emmy and the Home for Troubled Girls is the first one, and Emmy and the Rats in the Belfry is the second one. There had to be more, because–well, there was more to tell… about MEEEEEE!!!

  13. Cassidy Says:

    Hey Raston! I wonder, how old are you?

  14. Nina Says:

    Hey ratty! How is your day so far? Well… How did you come up with this story? And how did you come up with all these things that happens after the bite?! I hope you enjoyed my questions! Thank you!!

  15. The Rat Says:

    Hiya, Cassidy and Nina! So nice of you to take the time to write me.

    But Cassidy, I have to tell you (sniffle) that I don’t know how old I am (whimper!) Because I was taken from the nest when I was just a little ratling, and I was too young to even know when my birthday was (sob! wipes away a ratty tear). As you can see, it’s a sensitive subject. And would you believe it, I have never even had a birthday party! Not one! Because how can you have a birthday party when you don’t even know how old you are? (heavy sigh) But if you feel sorry for me, you can just send me some peanut butter cups, and I bet I’ll feel better!

    Nina, my day is pretty decent so far, thanks for asking! But I have to say, I wasn’t the one who came up with this story. I merely STAR in it. Lynne Jonell is the one who wrote all about ME… oh, and Emmy too, and Joe and Sissy and Miss Barmy and that wet noodle, Cheswick Vole. And Bryan, and… well, I could go on and on but I won’t. You know everyone already, if you’re reading the book! And, you know, Lynne Jonell just wrote about the things that actually happened to me… I admit, though, she did help me write my song, just a little. (And if you haven’t gotten to my big song yet, you’re in for a ratty treat!)

  16. Barbara Says:

    Hello Ratty! Hope your feeling well, I have a question, did Brian ever get rid of his hair on his nose? Have a nice day we all miss you.

    (don’t tell anyone, you and sissy are my favorite rats in the whole book.)

  17. Giovanni Says:

    Hi ratty, the book is the best book in the world you are my favorite rat you and the endear mouse. Will Emmys dad and mom come back

  18. The Rat Says:

    Hi Barbara, and hello Giovanni!

    Yes, Barbara, I’m feeling pretty well… though I’m not exactly 100%. Maybe I’m coming down with rat fever, who knows? But in my little ratty heart, I am FEELING VERY HAPPY because I am your favorite rat in the whole book!!! Oh, well, and Sissy too, of course. But that’s okay because she’s my sister. Don’t worry, I won’t tell any of the other rats. Well, maybe one or two of the chipmunks, but you won’t care about that, will you? And about Brian, I can’t answer that. Well, I could, but I won’t. Because I don’t want to spoil any surprises in the book for you, okay? Hope you understand!

    Giovanni, it’s ratariffic that you think my book is the best book in the world! You must have read ALL the books in the world already, to be able to say that, I bet! And it’s cool that you like the Endear Mouse, too. That little mouse is–well, next to Sissy– the one I like the best, too. But about Emmy’s mom and dad coming back, well, I’ll give you the same answer I gave Barbara. I can’t tell you, because I don’t want to spoil any surprises for you! But just keep reading, and you will find out for sure.

  19. Quest Says:

    Hi Ratty.
    By the way rats are my favorite type of animal. Also what’s your fav thing about Emmy.
    Do you not like Ms. Barmy

  20. Matthew Says:

    Hiya ratty, your book is real good-oh but back to the question-, wondering if you could name EVERY single rodent and its power for me? Well, thanks rasty!

  21. The Rat Says:

    Hey, Quest and Matthew, thanks for your questions!

    Quest, you show ratmarkable wisdom for someone your age. Not many humans have rats as their favorite animal, but you have figured out how very superior and charming we are, once you get to know us! Okay, my favorite thing about Emmy is that she was nice enough to set me free from my cage (and it is no fun being in a cage for four years. You just try it sometime.) But about Miss Barmy– let me just give you some words that express my true feelings. She is: Despicable, Disgusting, and Snubsnotty (if that isn’t a word, it should be.) I do not like her with a mouse, I do not like her in a house, I do not like her with green hair, I do not like her ANYWHERE!

    Matthew, it’s ratly cool that you think my book is so good! I LOVE compliments, and I will take all I can get. But about naming rodents and their powers? EVERY SINGLE ONE??? Sheesh, that sounds like you’re assigning me HOMEWORK or something! And I am just not going to work that hard. But if you keep reading you’ll find out at least a few more rodents and their powers. I will tell you one that I haven’t met yet, and want to. I hear there’s a Spiky-tailed South American Bush Rat that squirts soda out its nose, and if you get a drop of it on your skin, you can play the ukelele! Without music lessons! I like that idea because I am very musical–I have a great singing voice, in case you didn’t know– but I am not a big fan of hard work.

  22. Alex Says:

    Hi I have a big question? what are all the types of rodents that Dr. Vole stole from professor Capybara.

  23. Yohana Says:

    Hey ratty how you doin I have a questions for you how did you feel after being separated from sissy and when you saw her also do you think joe is a great pawball player

  24. The Rat Says:

    Hiya, Alex and Yohana, nice of you to write me!

    So, Alex, that IS a big question. And it’s ratactually too big for me to answer. For one thing, I never read all their tags when I was shut up with them in the same laboratory (I couldn’t read then, remember? I only learned to read when I was stuck in a cage in that classroom for years.) And for another thing, I didn’t even read them all when I visited Sissy at the Antique Rat. I could have, but once I saw Sissy I forgot all about the other rodents, as I’m sure you will understand. But–as I recall–you will hear lots more about the other rodents if you just keep on reading!

    Yohana, I am doing ratastic, thanks! You ask a very good (and kind of sorrowful) question. Here’s how I felt when we were separated: Scared and Stinky and SO BAD. And when I saw her, all of a sudden I felt RELIEVED! Also RATARIFFIC! And REALLY, REALLY RATHAPPY! And yes, of COURSE I am a great pawball player–oh, wait, you were asking about Joe. Um… sure, he’s okay. But, you know, he doesn’t have a tail and that’s a big handicap. Every athlete really needs one for balance.

  25. Andrea Says:

    Hello ratty!

    I hope you are having an amazing day! I have a big reading test tomorrow and I am really bad at reading, I just wanted to know if you have a rat that will let me get all the questions right or even 100%! I really want to past my test cause its really important for next year when I go to 6th grade! I
    I love your book its really interesting to read!


  26. Kaiden Says:

    Hi Raston! How did it feel when you first met Emmaline, and what are your thoughts on Emmy now? By the way, I agree on you being very handsome!

  27. The Rat Says:

    Hello, Andrea, and Hi, Kaiden! Wow, it’s ratawesome to have you guys writing to me. I don’t get that many letters–at least not from humans. I get a few mean letters from cats now and then (but they mostly just say things like HISSSSSSS and that’s sort of boring. Also a little terrifying, even in a letter!)

    Andrea, I AM having an amazing day, thanks! I am sorry, though, that you think you are bad at reading. You seem to be perfectly good at writing, so how hard can reading be? It’s just writing, but sort of backwards, you know? Anyway, I will look around for a rat that would help you get all the answers right (there SHOULD be a rat like that, don’t you think?) but I’m not sure I can find one in time. For one thing, I know there aren’t any Perfect Test Taking Rats in Grayson Lake. So if there are any, they’re out of town, and maybe even on the moon or something, so it might be hard to find them. I’ll keep my ears and eyes open for you, though!

    Kaiden, here’s how I felt when I met Emmaline. I felt like she was just one more big mean human who wanted to keep me in a cage. But after awhile I started to notice that she paid attention to me, and sometimes even sneaked me a bit of parsley or a carrot (not that I’m that fond of parsley, or carrots either, but it’s the thought that counts.) My thoughts on Emmy now are, she was a good sport to let me out of the cage, and she’s pretty cool to let me ride on her model train, but I just wish she’d get rid of Muffy. That cat is Rodent Enemy Number One, in my opinion, and needs to be locked up!

  28. Isabella Says:

    Hi Ratty, happy Monday!!! How has your day been? I wanted to ask you something, Why is Miss. Barny doing those things to Emmys family?Did they do anything to her?? Also, I wanted to tell you a rat joke!! What is a rats favorite game? Hind and Squeak!!

  29. Benjamin Says:

    Hey Ratty! Don’t worry there aren’t any cats in sight, could you please teach me how to play paw ball? It sounds really fun, but nothing can top the nose hair on Brian!!!

  30. The Rat Says:

    Good morning, Isabella and Benjamin! Happy Ratuesday to you both!

    Isabella, my day has been ratly good so far, thanks. But thinking about that ratawful Miss Barmy makes me very, very grumpy. I don’t know why she is doing all those mean things to Emmy’s family–well, I kind of do, but what I don’t know is why she thinks it’s okay to be the way she is. No, Emmy’s family didn’t do anything to her–but she hates them all the same. I guess you will find out more about that if you keep on reading! I don’t want to give anything away, because it will spoil the story for you. But I LOVE your rat joke!! And here is a joke for you: What letter of the alphabet contains the most water? (Answer below.)

    Benjamin, thank you so much for watching out for c-c-c-cats for me! (You see I’m so scared of them, it’s hard to even write the word without stuttering.) Because, you know, they are big. And mean. Plus, have you ever smelled cat breath? Not good, I can tell you right now!
    About pawball, you just have to learn the rules for soccer and that’s a good start. Then, no tail pulling. And no clawing. And if you grow nose hair, you’ll have to ask for a lot of substitutions so you can go to the sidelines and trim your nose! I mean, I suppose they’d allow nose hair in a soccer game, but you’d hate to be tripping on it when you ran. And what if someone else stepped on it while you were running past! YEEOUCH, that would HURT!!

    P.S. The answer to the joke is: the C!

  31. xavier Says:

    what happens if you or sissy bite people more then 3 times and is there any humane sports like paw ball and do any of your rodent friends with other powers like yours or different.

  32. The Rat Says:

    Hello Xavier, thanks for writing. But I don’t know what happens if I bite people more than three times, because I have never done it. And Sissy isn’t exactly a biter, so the question doesn’t really apply to her. So I can’t really answer that question, sorry!
    About sports, I can tell you that the human sport most like pawball is soccer. But, of course, pawball is better! We also play ratball–it’s got three bases and home plate, and you bat with a twig–and ratketball is fun, too. We make a net out of a small strainer, and wrap rubber bands into a ball that bounces pretty well. I also like to skateboard (I mounted a popsicle stick on some wheels from a hot wheels car someone left out in the rain, and it works pretty well!) About the rodent powers of my friends, well, I guess I just have to say–keep reading the book and you’ll find out more. But as far as I know, I am the only Shrinking Rat. Yes, I am one of a kind, and proud of it, too!