Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat (cont'd)
More Reviews
“Jonell has invented a fantastic tale of magic, bravery and love.”
“With an evil nanny, bewitched parents, and lots of cute, furry helpers, this is irresistible storytelling, drawing on the best traditions of Redwall, Narnia, and Wonderland with a healthy dose of Lemony Snicket thrown in.”
“Fun and funny, this fast-paced page turner appropriately begins and ends with the unforgettable Rat in an acrobatic flip-book feature.”
“It is fast-paced but you can understand what is going on throughout the book so you aren’t lost.  It is also humorous so you don’t get bored! I think this book is absolutely perfect for ages 9 and up!  Everyone should read this book!”
Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking
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