Your School Can Blog with Ratty!
I began this blog as a lark, a fun way to connect with local kids whose school I was about to visit. But the staff and I quickly discovered that blogging with Ratty, a funny and opinionated character from my book Emmy & the Incredible Shrinking Rat, strongly engaged reluctant readers. It gave their writing and computer skills a workout, too.

Here’s the pilot school’s website article on their ratblog experience.

Here's a link to a local newspaper's article as well.

And here’s the link to the blog itself.

If you would like your class or school to blog with Ratty, please directly to arrange a block of time when she will focus on your class or school. Plan to read aloud Emmy & the Incredible Shrinking Rat in the classroom, and begin blogging once you are several chapters into the story.

All comments are moderated for the children’s safety.

For specific instructions on blogging, click here.

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